SLC Flyfishing
Fish Crazy
I've had my tank up and running for almost a month now, added cleanup crew, waited for them to get a handle on things, added a clown fish (occelaris) and have been seeing a trend opposite what I expected. I have seen the nitrates go from 20 right before introducing the fish (I did a 20% water change to bring them down before introducing the fish) to 10 the next day, within 2 days they were reading 5 and now they are reading >5. The clownfish has been in there for 6 days now and I haven't done a water change yet one is slated for tomorrow even though the tanks parameters say I shouldn't need it, I've vowed to make it a once a week thing no matter what.
My question is, is this normal? Has anyone else had a simmilar occurence or is my test kit just messed up? Mind you I saw the same trend with the test kits my LFS uses. I'm thrilled naturally but just wanted to check if anyone else has had a similar experience.
Current stats:
temp: 79 F.
ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: >5
pH: 8.3
Phosphate: .25
My question is, is this normal? Has anyone else had a simmilar occurence or is my test kit just messed up? Mind you I saw the same trend with the test kits my LFS uses. I'm thrilled naturally but just wanted to check if anyone else has had a similar experience.
Current stats:
temp: 79 F.
ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: >5
pH: 8.3
Phosphate: .25