Is It Normal For Barbs And Loaches To School Together?


Feb 28, 2006
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Amarillo, Tx
my loaches and tiger barbs are always swimming together and peacefully chasing each other around. Is this somewhat normal? they pretty much act like part of school unless the loaches are sleeping. But when swimming its always with the barbs.
we have tiger barbs & yoyos & our yoyos quite often will swim up to a sleeping barb at lights out time, chase it around for a couple of secs then swim off bored! ive never seen them school together, are you sure your yoyos arent being a little aggressive with them ( they can be) yoyos when fighting or showing aggression will swim fast right next to another fish & shake their head back & forth sideways ( they have spikes at their head). this behaviour is esp noticable if you've ever seen 2 yoyos having a scrap. although our yoyo s think its funny to startle a sleeping barb every now & again ive never seen any serious aggression but something to be aware of as yoyos are considered 'semi-aggressive' fish and can occasionally be nasty! but sounds like yours just like to be in a pack & have decided the barbs will do as shoaling mates.
love to see a video clip if poss :)

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