Is It Mating Season Or Something?


Fish Herder
Feb 15, 2009
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hello. i have a 30 g tank with 2 angels, 3 giant danios, 3 barbs, and 1 cory. one of my giant danios recently turned red on his anal fin area. that's happened occasionally, and he is usually more silver around there. is he trying to attract one of the other 2? thanks
where you're from are there alot of thunderstorms right now?
the same thing is happening with two of my female leopard danios and one of them has realy darkend in colour. i thought they might be ill or stressed because i have moved them into a new tank.
its not like a dull color, its like a very bright red. it isn't stressed. its lived in my tank for 6 months no problems.
It could have been that your danio finally reached sexual maturity? I don't think danios have "breeding seasons" in aquarium tanks though. I asked about the storms earlier only because i think its been documented that atmospheric pressure changes (i.e. thunderstorms) can cause an onset of breeding behavior. I've only kept zebra danios, and if there was ever something i could attribute as a breeding season it would be every morning. perhaps someone with more knowledge of giant danios will correct me if im wrong or confirm what i am saying.

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