Is It Hard

Yes they are difficult to keep. Most specimens end up dried out on the carpet. They are notorious escape artists. Ideally, keep in a partially filled tank. At the very least, take security seriously, and plug up gaps in the hood (filter floss and plastic mesh are good for this). They are also rather fussy feeders, and won't eat dried foods. You will need fresh or wet-frozen foods: small bits of tilapia fillet, prawns, cockles, bloodworms and so on. Earthworms are another good food.

Maximum size is a matter of some uncertainty. Aquarium specimens rarely, if ever, exceed 45 cm, but wild fish supposedly get to twice that size.

Best tankmates are other ropefish. They are very gregarious and should be kept in groups of at least three specimens. Otherwise, any not-too-small, non-nippy tetra or barb could be kept with them. In terms of bottom dwellers I wouldn't keep catfish with them because they're tricky to feed, but dwarf cichlids are okay.

Cheers, Neale

rope fish how big do they get what is the best tank mate thank you
I'm just going to say mine are not fussy eaters! I have a group of 5 that eat anything - even flake LOL. They have eaten pellets from day one although obviously relish meaty treats like prawn, bloodworm etc. I know mayby I am lucky with them.
They're fine with anything not bite-sized. Neons and guppies would be risky, but platies, rainbowfish, bleeding heart tetras, Congo tetras, etc. would all be good schooling fish.

Do please try and use whole sentences next time! And a "thank you" always goes down well with me!

Cheers, Neale

what fish mates should the not be with
so anything another tank mates that the do not get well together and will neon be okay thank you and anything else I need to know cherrs
Didn't you read my message? In fact my last two messages. Neons are NOT good. They're bite-sized, so there's a good chance they'll become dinner eventually. Do read my messages. I think I've answered your questions perfectly clearly. I don't really want to keep typing the same thing out again and again.

And no, I'm not being crabby. If I wanted to be rude, I'd be ignoring you. I do want to help, but forgive me not wanting to keep typing the same thing more than once!

Cheers, Neale

so anything another tank mates that the do not get well together and will neon be okay thank you and anything else I need to know cherrs
The best companions for ropefish are their own kind, so be sure to get a group. Alongside that group, get some midwater dither fish, such as tetras. These "tell" bottom-dwelling fish that it's safe to come out. In the wild, bottom dwellers hide away if they can't see dither fish. Supposedly, they know dither fish will hide if there are predators about, so the bottom dwellers use this as their cue.

In terms of catfish, I'd avoid anything too competitive. Good choices would be Ancistrus and whiptail cats such as Rineloricaria.

I wouldn't keep ropefish with anything territorial or predatory. Some of the small bichirs are okay, including Polypterus senegalus. Some of the knifefish can work well, too. The African knifefish Xenomystus nigri would be an obvious choice. Peaceful climbing perch species are another good choice. My favourites for this sort of community would be Microctenopoma fasciolatum and Ctenopoma acutirostre.

Cheers, Neale

what do you guys recommended oddball fish for me please thank you
A black ghost would certainly be compatible in terms of behaviour, but black ghosts are very difficult to maintain. Most folks keep theirs for less than a year before it dies for some reason or another. Just to summarise, they need a big aquarium, with a strong water current and excellent circulation. They are extremely sensitive to low oxygen levels, and will not tolerate dirty water at all. Water chemistry isn't much of an issue, but very hard water is best avoided. To quote from Fishbase, they come from "rapidly flowing waters of creeks with a sandy bottom". So a tank with a gravel substrate and indifferent water flow isn't going to suit them.

Cheers, Neale

cheers neil would a black ghost knightfish would be okay and anything other fish would be greater cherrs
do mean like pebbles or we stone will not do so want oddball would be good for me tank and thank you you have sat and talked to me about it and have not ignored me cheers mate

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