Is It Cruel To Keep Just 1 Clown Fish?


Fish Aficionado
Aug 20, 2009
Reaction score
land of the scots!
Well, i have MultiTankSyndrome... :)

Now thinking about a nano reef type tank, but the million pound question is.........

Is it cruel just having 1 clown fish? It would be the smallest, so i think its called a false percula clown fish.
oh yeh, whats the min. tank size i can have for that then?
umm id say its not creul but his standard of life would be greatly improved if he had a mate in there, its also better to see them playing :) id say 10g min others will disagree but they are small and if its just one fish and you care for it well....
15 for one, 20 for two is what id go by (American gallons)

Two is more interesting to watch, cruel? Well that's up to you.
agree with what mucho said. my tank is 19 gallons but with a sump bigger than the tank.

after having my clowns for just 24hours i wouldnt be able to keep the sinle. I havent seen then more than 5-6 inches away from each other yet.

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