Is It 4 Or 6 T5 Tubes For A Clam?


Fish Herder
Oct 19, 2009
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it is 6 tubes for a clam right :blush: most people know im upgrading my lighting but i cant fit 6 tubes in :grr: so i have to have 4. i have seen clams with 4 tubes in tanks :blink:
it dosnt matter too much as im upgrading but i would love one in my tank atm.
oh ok :look: well the placement will be quite high. tank hight it about 50cm. and any old clam that doesn't need as much light as the others. cant remember what that one is called. :blush:
im going on holiday today and back Tuesday going to Sherringham
out of all the tridacna clams, derasa is the one that requires the least amount of light. i suggest you go for that one unless you place your clam high up. maxima's and crocea's (the more common ones) are recommended with metal halides.

clams not only need intense light, but one thing i noticed for exceptional mantle colors are pin-pointing the elements, most importantly calcium. In order for it to maintain its steady growth, it needs a stable calcium level, and a wee bit of nitrates. You should be okay with a derasa clam, note taht they like to be placed on the sand.

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