Is here no way


Fish Herder
Apr 18, 2005
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I had a beautiful tank of 6 neon tetras and 2 guppies, until I had my horrible ich outbreak. Everyone except for one of my guppies was COATED. Well, my other guppy is ich free, and all of the neons have slowly died off from the meds except for two sickly ones. They just gasp and swim weird, i feel bad for them. They are still ich coated. They have been treated full dose for well over a week. I might have to start upping the dosagew to once every 12 hours, it says on the back you can do this for serious cases, but it might kill off neons. Any other suggestions? I'd feel really bad if I just let them die a slow death. I am seriously considering just putting them down. They are in rough shape.
I would switch to another med and try again. Don't over-dose if you know it'll kill your fish. Instead, raise the temperature a little to speed up the ich's lifecycle (but don't over-do it if you have fish that don't like high temps - such as neons), add a tiny amount of aquarium salt (if your fish can tolerate it) and then start the treatment again but with a new med. You need to keep in mind that, with a severe case, you may have to keep up the treatment for a pretty long time to irradicate all the ich - it is only treatable in its non-visible, free-swimming lifestage so, only as each spot disappears, can the parasite be killed. You can imagine how long it will take to kill every single paasite if you remmber that each time a spot goes, you have lots of little ich parasites free-swimming in the water and that it is only at this time that they are vulnerable. As soon as they manage to attach to a fish, they can no longer be killed by the meds.
Unfortunately, I lost my last 2 neons this morning. They were almost free of ich, with just a few spots. I kind of suspected it, though.
Im sorry, ok now i would do a major water change to your tank before you get anymore fish and u say you still have a guppy in there? Well see how he goes and after about a week or so and if ur guppy looks good u should be able to buy some more neons... First by like 3 and see how they do and so on...

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