Is He Sick


New Member
Feb 21, 2007
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new orleans louisisana u.s.a
i have 4 plecos in a 110 size tank one about 2 inches long 2 at about 4 inches long and 1 at about 6-7 inches they all seem fine but the large one looses his dark colour and turns pail like in large splotches on his sides, is this because hes stressed, sick , or is this common in larger plecos. :crazy:
The 2 commons I had both used to do this when they were on the light substrate or a light part of the tank, I think it may be a blending part, although some do say it is stress, so maybe they were.
When pleco's fade out their colour its often to do with stress. The substrate in all of my tanks is pure white sand but all of my pleco's are the darkest colour they can be :) .
How many hiding places (like caves and things) do you have in the tank and are they all more than large enough for any of the plecs to live in? What sort of diet do you feed your plecs and how often and have you witnessed any agression between the plecs?
Is that 110g or 110 litres? Checking out your profile, it sounds like you have a lot of other big fish in there, could be stress or poor water quality?

I know they're only little at the moment, but in the long run, even if that's a 110g, it's too small for 4 common plecs - you'll have to rehome at least two. ;)
thanks yall. iv never seen any agression from any of ma other fish twards ma plecos, iv got a fairly large peice of coral that my large 6 incher mostly hides in along with one of the 4 inchers he shares this space with a black ghost and a 5 inch rainbow shark, my water quality is great i check it daily supply of fish food consists of a mixture of fish flakes, freeze dried blood worms, sinking granulets and shrimp pellets, the largest fish i have is a black ghost and a rainbow shark previously mensioned so it cant be over crowded
thanks for the info
You didn't answer the question - is it 110L or 110g? Obviously the former is way too small for your fish, so let's assume it's the latter. Even then you're going to have problems with four common plecs in, in the long run. They can become very territorial. :good:
thanks yall. iv never seen any agression from any of ma other fish twards ma plecos, iv got a fairly large peice of coral that my large 6 incher mostly hides in along with one of the 4 inchers he shares this space with a black ghost and a 5 inch rainbow shark, my water quality is great i check it daily supply of fish food consists of a mixture of fish flakes, freeze dried blood worms, sinking granulets and shrimp pellets, the largest fish i have is a black ghost and a rainbow shark previously mensioned so it cant be over crowded
thanks for the info

Is the coral real coral? If so thats really bad, coral can drastically change and lower the ph of the tank which is not good. What stats are you testing for and what results are you getting exactly? Like the others have said, is it a 110 litre or gallon tank? What is the tanks dimensions (length, width, height)?
Plecs are generally more herbiverous too - the diet you're giving them I notice has no veg in whatsoever - plecs need fresh veg at least 2-3 times a week (courgette, cucumber, sweet potato, lettuce, peas etc) - other foods should be a supplement to that veg rather than a replacement ;)

Commons are omniverous plecs - but still need mainly veg, but you can supplement them with the food you're offering them, the odd prawn/shrimp too now and again, but still - mainly veg, then a good plec wafer, then the others - in that order. :good:
oops the tank is a 110 gallon high 48 inches long 19 inches wide 29 inches high, and the coral he hides in is fake... is it bad though to have real coral in a community fish tank i know its great for ciclids and please explain the vegtable food i didnt know they would eat vegies , what would be best to feed them and plecs are teritorial i didnt know that either??????
im glad to know that but iv never seen agression between them so do yall think theyl get more agressive the larger the 3 smaller ones get again thanks gettotank110 :hyper:
Yeah with that footprint, you should really only have one common in there - there's not enough room for all 4 I'm afraid. That's why it's better to work out tank space for plecs by actual floor space rather than capacity - you could have a 100g tank, but if it's 20ft tall and only a foot square, it's no good for plecs - if you get me lol. You'd be looking at a 6 x 2 x 2 for even only 2-3 commons - that doesn't mean you couldn't have one or two more smaller plecs, just not commons - as like some other species, they're territorial with their own kind.

One common plec needs 4ft x 18" absolute minimum - which is just enough for a lower average sized common (12" or so). If he hit 18", you'd be aiming for a 4 x 2. Obviously the more plecs you get, the more space you'll need for territories. If I were you, I'd either rehome three of them and look into one medium plec of another species, or I'd upgrade the tank to a 6 x 2 x 2ft min. And then you'd have to keep a very close eye on it if you were to keep all four.

Sounds like a pain in the backside, but I (and others here) have multi-plec tanks, it's just with certain species you have to play it safe - more so with the bigger ones like commons and gibbies who really need that space! In my 6 x 2 x 2ft tank, I have two half grown commons, one rusty plec, one royal plec and two bristlenoses. I'm having to rehome one of my commons as he's too bossy with the other plecs - even though it's a big tank, just the way these bigger fish can be sometimes.

I'd rehome three of them if you're planning on keeping your tank long term and maybe treat yourself to a smaller but hardy plec, like a bristlenose or rusty ;)
yes i will im getting yet another tank for dwarf ciclids yes i said another tank lol and i plan to move the smallest plec and one of the medium sized plecs to that tank , its only a 55 gallon but like you explained its got a large foot print this one is probably goin in my wall its 22 wide and 36 long so i guess it should be enough space between the 2 im supprised though that ciclids dont bother plecos would you know why this is because ino that ciclids are mean thanks gettotank110
Also, I don't know if anyone has said this yet, I've just read that some plecs have the ability to change the color of thier skin to camoflague themselves, as well as to show their mood etc. not sure about how accurate that is but thought I'd chuck it in anyway
good news i bought some pleco wafers, interesting news he has alraedy changed back to being dark and changed pail again , bad news my darn pictus cats and albino channel cat are eating the wafers,,, but i did learn one good thing from this whole experience the romain lettuce i fed to plecs was also highly enjoyed by my krib huh how interesting :drool:
Dont suppose you could list everything that's in the tank fish wise?

As for the 3ft x 22" footprint, that's not enough for one plec, let alone 2 I'm afraid. Double that and you should be ok for two.

If you think - one plec needs 4ft x 18" just to move around ok, taking a foot off and adding a couple of inches the other way isn't going to make enough room for two. A 4ft x 18" x 18" works out at 75g.

I know they're cute now, and it's easy to think that you'll be able to fit them in, but honestly - as soon as they start getting to 8" or more, you're going to be seriously stuck for space in there - the cleaning is going to be much more work, and you will have fighting fish on your hands.

Much better to have one plec in there that you can spoil rotten, than 4 you cant find homes for when you do start having probs ;)

BTW that channel catfish is going to be a problem too - they can get to 130cm - bigger than your tank!

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