Is He Going To Be Ok?


New Member
Feb 23, 2009
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Chesapeake, VA
I have a male betta and several Barbs, and up until now they have all been fine together. Last night I moved my tiger barbs, betta, rainbow shark and cory cat to a 10 gal, by themselves and during the night my betta's tail was shradded. I have moved him to a different tank away from the Tiger barbs and just want to make sure he is going to make it. He is by far my favorite betta, as I have not seen one like him before. I am so sad about this, if there is a med that I can do or just time will heal it let me know.



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If you keep the water clean and well filtered, then the fins should heal up without any problems. However, you should keep an eye on him over the next week and make sure he doesn't develop any fungal or bacterial infections. Fungus will appear as white fluffy stuff on the fins. Bacteria will appear as red inflamed areas and possible splitting of the fins. The red inflammation will be a bit harder to spot but you should notice the difference if it happens.

If you have any Melafix or Pimafix, you can add that and it will help reduce the chance of secondary infection. Changing half the tank water and doing a gravel clean each day for the next week will reduce the risk of secondary infection.

On another note, to prevent the white flash light from appearing in the picture, have the camera on an angle to the tank. Then the flash will bounce away from the lens and you will get a better pic :)
he looks just like my betta, Fish, who has also had his fins shredded terribly! after 2 weeks they seem to be getting a little better, plenty of clean water and something to help the healing :)
Thanks for the replies, I will see if I can find the meds for him and start that. I was in a hurry and was looking more so at the tail then anything else. If there is anything else that I can do for him please let me know.

heres my little guy who usually has lovely long flowing fins, you can just see how tatty they are but they are on the mend!

him usualy

him now
My male betta had almost all of his flowing finnage and tail ripped off - he was left with just a 2-3mms of fins/tail - I thought he would die for sure - but a year later and he is still alive and well and his finnage has grown back even longer than before the attack. Oh - and he has been in a tank on his own since the attack (which was by the female betta - I had been misinformed by the LFS and told you could keep both in the same tank!).

I used a little melafix and regular water changes to aid in the healing process. I also gave him lots of attention - and he pulled through.

Regards - Athena
oh gosh im so sorry to hear that, the shock/stress must have been too much

rip little fishy

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