Is getting Hygrophila Angustifolia a good idea?


New Member
Aug 1, 2024
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Southeast Asia, Philippines

This is my planted 10 gal, and I'm planning on moving the H.Polysperma + Limnophila Sessiliflora on the back-right side somewhere else, and replacing it with Hygrophila Angustifolia instead. Your thoughts on this?

The original plants weren't filling up as much space as I thought they would, I know they can get bushy after a while, but I'm looking for a plant that's built bushy by default, have long, flowy leaves so it can reach the light? Vallisneria is probably the best example of this description, but I can't find a species that is native to southeast asia(Please tell me if there is one.)

So I came up with Hygrophila Angustifolia instead. They seem to be hardy and not fussy about light and parameters like most hygrophila, but I'm wondering if I'm really good to proceed with this? Would it grow too big and out of control? The footprint of the space where I will be putting it is 7" in length, 3" in width.

I mean I already have a giant hygrophila sp. (Corymbosa) in there, and so far it's manageable for me, so I guess it's finee?

I just wanna know what I'm getting into if I decided to get this plant, so I won't have to do the "buy first, regret later" method.

I'd love to hear your experiences, thoughts with this plant + more plant recommendations! I think the future fishes would benefit from the thick bushy plants
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It will probably outgrow the tank, that plant gets really tall. But, it could work.

However, if you can find it, staurogyne sp bihar might fit better for size and what you're looking for. Little harder to find in stores, as it's somewhat rare, but it's worth it. In good light gets nice long toothed leaves.



It comes from India, emersed form looks similar to a hygrophila which it was confused for for a long while.

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