Is Geoff Blind


New Member
Dec 12, 2006
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I have a lovely plec, his name is Geoff! I got him in May when he was only an inch or so big, now he is 6-8 inches (not so good on measurements). He is always out and active but I think he may be blind, either that or hes just stupid. Always hitting the glass or plants, he can never find food even if it is right in front of him. Are plecs blind or at least have poor sight?

Thanks for any comments.

Hannah xx

P.S how do i insert a pic of him?
Because they're "armour plated" as such, they're not very good at manouvring round things (ornaments, plants, other fish lol) - dont know how good their eyesight is though.

To post a pic you need to upload it to a site like, and then copy and paste the bottom tag they give you - the one in img tags like this - into the message box here when you post a message :)
just read in a book the royal plec can be a very clumbsy swimmer due to 3 rows of boney plates down either side of its body making it rather inflexible

Geoff doesnt look like a royal but im sure the same apply's
It's a big cube 300 liters. trying to get a better pic but he keeps moving
What are the dimensions of the tank (length/width/height)?

If he is a common, which I think he is from the pic, he needs to be in a 4ft x 18" x 18" just to give him enough space to move around ok as an adult (and that's presuming he stays around 12-15" - they can and do get bigger in which case a 4 x 2 x 2ft would be even better). If he's bumping into stuff now, it'll only get worse when he's 12-18" or so. ;)

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