Is Dijon a male?


Hypan addict
Aug 21, 2004
Reaction score
Wolverhampton, UK
Well since I've had Dijon she has terrorised my female community and ripped most of the girls fins. She has a white spot so although she's so agressive I was sure she was a female. However I've been conditioning her and Ozzy for 2 weeks now and today put her in a breeding trap in the spawn tank with him. They went ballistic at eachother and tried to lock lips through the tank and I thought they were going to break the plastic :crazy: I've never seen him act that way before with a female as he's often had them in the other side of his divided tank, but never her. I didn't dare risk putting her in there with him so she's gone back into his space in the divided tank and I've put Roxy in with him. They are swimming around displaying for eachother so all is well.

Well I looked in on Dijon about an hour later and she has a huge bubblenest going. So could it be a male? this is the best pic I could get of her but you can't see the spot, but I assure you there is one there. Can you tell from the shape if its male or female? I'm stumped on this one, but it would explain why she's been so agressive within the female community. She would hide behind the filters and then dive bomb after one of the others and nip them then hide again :dunno: Mind you shame if she is a he and can't go back in the community as she's a good snail eater. She swallows them whole :lol:

Fingers crossed that Ozzy and Roxy get it on anyway as this will be my first PLANNED spawning :rolleyes:

Here's a picture of Dijon anyway. your help on her gender would be appreciated :)

edited for bad spelling


  • Dijon.jpg
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Thanks for the replies

I should have guessed in the lfs as it was hiding in a castle ornament and the guy had to shake it to get him out!

I'm shocked though because of the white spot, but I had heard some males can have that.

Poor guy, no wonder he was agressive in a tank full of females :lol:

Ahh well, looks like I need to divide another tank as I promised my son he could have his pic of my fry to replace his male and he doesn't like Dijon :/

Wonder who I could pair him with in the future :shifty:
He has been hiding because you keep calling him she he has taken the hump to that and has a complex......... :rofl: :rofl:
LOL! probably

but its going to be really hard to call him a he now! :(

Maybe I should change its name to colonel mustard :lol:

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