Is CO2 necessary?


Fish Fanatic
Jul 25, 2003
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Hi, I am cycling a 55 gallon right now (fishless) and the substrate is a 1/2 mix of gravel and flourite because I decided I wanted live plants in this tank. I have been looking at some CO2 dispensers (quite expensive) and wondered if I only have Java Ferns and Amazon Swords, use liquid ferts in addition to the flourite mix substrate, do I really need a CO2 dispenser or will these particular plants thrive without one? Thanks!
It depends on the amount of light you are planning to have. If you have a high light tank then CO2 will be required. You could always opt for a diy Co2 setup !!!
I agree with Dubby. Whether CO2 is required is more of a function of the amount of light you have, than on which plants you have (although one will determine the other, to a point).

With "standard" lighting on a 55g tank, no, CO2 injection is generally not necessary, and the benefits of it may not even be noticeable.
just a question. i have never used CO2 and when i was gathering information before i set up my tank i was never informed about it. what do the dispensers look like? do i need one? my tank is pretty well lit
There are all manner of commercial systems. They all look different.

co2 is not reqd.for simple planted tanks. Once you have become comfortable with this, you might wish to graduate to more demanding plants or just plain experimentation.:) Thats when you can try co2.

With plants, its important to get the balance of light, nutrients and carbon right. Otherwise you end up with algae blooms. So once you have got the initial balance, then I feel it is the right time to slowly push the envelope.

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