Is Building Sand Ok For My Tank?

Ordinary Building Sand or LFS Building Sand?

  • Ordinary Building Sand (£2)

    Votes: 5 23.8%
  • LFS Building Sand (£25!)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Argos Play Sand

    Votes: 16 76.2%

  • Total voters


Fish Crazy
Sep 9, 2009
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Ok, at my LFS, I was looking at sand for my tank, when i saw a bag of building sand for £25! It was just ordinary building sand- even labeled building sand! When the house was renovated, we bought a bag the same size for something like £1-2! Is this ordinary building sand ok for my aquarium? because i really think the LFS is ripping people off :angry: , and I don't want to pay 20 times more.

So, my question is which would you buy? And do you think building sand is safe for my fish?
i don't have sand in my tank but alot of poeple on here use argos or B&Q play sand never heard of anyone using building sand
yeah, just wondered cos my LFS was selling building sand and wondered if that meant it was safe(ish) or that brand of building sand was safe :dunno: .
That is well cheeky! I think any sand is OK as long as it's washed well. If you're filter's up out of the way, it doesn't matter what you've got on the bottom.
I use crushed coral sand in my marine and freshwater tanks. Looks really nice. Have tried building\playsand before. Looks nasty IMO and can trap pockets of ammonia. Crushed coral sand is less dense so doesnt.
depends on what building sand it is.

there is two types, the very fine sand, and the sharper denser type.

kids playsand is better as its 1; cleaner as its for children so less washing, 2; soft, 3; alot cheaper than what an LFS will sell it for!
i don't have sand in my tank but alot of poeple on here use argos or B&Q play sand never heard of anyone using building sand
Don't risk building sand. Get Playsand, guaranteed safe and almost as cheap for around £2.99 a bag at Argos etc.Use it myself
thanks for your replies :D . seems like argos playsand is the go - just worried about ammonia pockets now :unsure: :crazy:
Have tried building\playsand before. Looks nasty IMO and can trap pockets of ammonia.
also i cant use coral sand as it will raise the pH too much :rolleyes: . it seems everything has at least on drawback :rolleyes:
That is well cheeky!

lol yeah cant believe what LFS do these days! :rolleyes:
yeah probably will get some of that-just OscarWilde mentioned there can be pockets of ammonia trapped in the sand because it is quite fine ????

any way around this?

Just added Argos play sand to the poll :good:
i use silica sand, i'm sure its the same a kids sand. I was worried about ammonia pockets, and apparently silica sand doesn't produce ammonia (someone will enlighten me, the father in law says so), anyways i just sweep through the sand with my fingers every month.
oh and it cost me £12 for 3 kg.
ok-thanks :good:
the argos play stuff is £2.99 for 15kgs(!). probably will pick some up today (if its still open) or 2moz :good:
thanks for all your replies :D
get some malaysian trumpet snails and dont put too deep a layer of sand and you should be fine :good: the snails dig into the sand releasing any trapped gases. they do breed well though so dont put too many in.......
ok - will probably try one so they dont breed, unless they are like apple snails which dont over take the tank (unlike ramshorns and tadpole snails) :lol:
The problem with compacted sand that gets gas pockets in it is not ammonia. When the flow of water to an area is prevented it becomes deficient in oxygen. Different organic processes will happen in an anaerobic environment. To gain the energy needed for life, anaerobics will produce hydrogen sulfide, H2S, instead of producing CO2. Unfortunately hydrogen sulfide is a poison to mammals when it is in the form of a gas and can be poisonous to fish if it becomes dissolved in the water. It is the reason that people stir up the sand in their tanks to prevent the build of colonies of anaerobic bacteria.

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