Is aquarium salt toxic to Loaches??


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Mar 14, 2004
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I have a 12 gallon eclipse tank with 2 young clown loaches in it. They are about 1.5 to 2 inches long. They have been living in it for about 2 weeks now. A few days go I added some aquarium salt to my tank to prevent any fungii and diseases. Unfortunately, my loaches seem to be very sensitive to it. There are some indentations their where they appear to be burned. There is no bleeding. When I first added my loaches to the tank, I had a male betta in the tank, but took him out after a few days because the loaches were nipping his tail. Could it be possible that my betta attacked my loaches, or is the salt poisonous to the loaches? I appreciate any comments and reponses! Thanks!
i think salt is poisonous to all scaleless fish. I to added salt mo my 30 when it was infected with dropsy. The loach turned all white and was swimming upside down. I took him out and put him in the 55 and he perked up again and is now very very healthy. So i would take them out or change the water.
Salt would burn the skin of any scaleless fish so if you dose your water according to the manufacturers instruction then I would do a huge water change around 50% and make sure to match the temp so you won't stress the fish too much..
I would not do more than 30% of a water change. Anything larger would introduce too many changes (pH, water temp, etc) to the tank which could stress out the fish.

How did you add the salt? Did you pour the salt crystals in the tank or did you let them dissolve? Yes, Salt will burn scaleless fish, but it depends on how you do it. I often dose my tanks with aquarium salt and had no problems. My method is to dissolve the salts first in water and then slowly pour it in the tank over a long period of time.

FYI, Clown loaches can get up to 12" in the wild, but in captivity, they have been reported ot get about 6-8". So, I hope you have intentions to move the loaches once they outgrow the tank,
I did not dissolve the salt first, I just poured the salt in :/
I have a 25 gallon tank on order which I am going to put my loaches in once I recieve it. Then, once they outgrow that tank I am going to donate them to my friend who has a 150 gallon with tetras. Thanks for your comments!

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