Is Anything Meant To Happen With My Stats Yet!?


Oct 6, 2008
Reaction score
Cornwall, UK
So I'm a bit confused on my cycle, or lack off.. Ive been adding bits and pieces of rock gradually, Ive got about 17kg atm and looking to get another 25ish yet. Whats confusing me is my apparent lack of any kind of cycle.. my stats just seem to be staying the same, without even a hint of any kind of mini cycle when I add more rock even! Ammonia, trIte are always 0 and trAte just stays at somewhere around 0-5 hard to tell exactly coz I still only have the API kit... Ive done no water changes or anything, I'm assuming I dont need to unless the trAte goes over 10 or so?
I transprt my LR about 5 miles out of water before it goes in my tank, so surely I should get a little teeny weeny bit of die of!?

Theres loads and loads of hitchhikers in there too, I assumed they would also add to the trAte? Theres allsorts from various snails to hermils and even a large shrimp of some kind!
I'm new to this aswell but did you have a mini cycle early on? if so maybe your tank is able to deal with the small die off from the new rock?
I may have done.. I didn't test for about a week after I gt my first lot of rock coz I got the freshwater test kit instead of salt!! So I could have missed the cycle I suppose!
Have you had any algae growing? Think my tank is nearing the end of its mail cycle, have a look at a couple of the pics here ( I like you didn't seem to have much die off.
Yeah ive had that diatoms stuff everywhere for a few weeks now, and litrally the whole taank is being over run woth green and purple algea stuff! Cant wait to get a CUC in there!!

I know you're not meant to add anything until all the rock is in, but considering I dont get a mini cycle when I add more rock, would a small CUC manage ok now?
I'd guess so but I'd wait for someone to confirm....
If the live rock is good quality and there is little die-off, it is possible to not see a standard cycle occur. I would not add any livestock in until you add the rest of your live rock, as there is a chance it could minicycle depending on the factors I stated before.
is there anything I can do with all this algea in the meantime!? I've wiped it off the gass sooo many times, then it just settles all over the rocks and sand and looks awful! lol

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