Is a paradise fish tropical?


Fish Crazy
Apr 14, 2004
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I bought a white paradise fish thinking it was coldwater then read later on that it was tropical.I had this fish nearly 3 years and it was fine living in coldwater.I had to get rid because it killed 1 of my other fish but are they tropical?
Yes, they are tropical fish. They tend to be territorial and will defend their territory. It's best to keep them with fish of a similar size as they may eat smaller fish.
Paradise fish were some of the 1st fish imported as coldwater.

They can be kept in both cold and tropical water.
They are also considered very hardy... pretty much as long as the water is wet they can survive. They also tend to be quite aggressive and are not recommended for the community aquarium.
Yah they are tropical fish. I don't know much about them but they are really cool. I wish that I new more about them. One day I want to become the worlds most knowledgable aquarist( Yah like thats really going to happen) 8)

Daveo :flex:
On another forum I know someone in socal who keeps them outside all year in his pond. They can handle some cold some can even handle temps down to 40 degreese aperently. They are quite posibly the most hardy fish there is short of climbing perch (another labrynth fish) which can live on land for two days in high humidity.

room temperature should be fine.
These fish were the betta of the hobby when they first were discovered. I keep my lil guy in a 5 gal tank, no heater, no filter and weekly WCs. Everyday i feed him he literally jumps out of the tank to get the food from my fingers. I've had him land on the lid and had to scoop him back into the tank!! Crazy lil bugger.
They are great fish, that's for sure. Mine does the same thing but one day he landed on the floor so now I make sure and feed him on the other end of the tank from where he is. Great personalities... too bad they don't play well with others.

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