is a Bristle nose right for me?

spAcE mOnkEy

Fish Addict
May 12, 2004
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i have a 33 gal that i just repared from leaks, hopefully it doesnt still leak. i was planning on putting about 4-6 neon rainbowfish, 4 black neon tetras, 4 glowlights, 5 cories, and some goromis. i would also like to get some keyhole cichlids but im not sure if they are aggressive(tell me if they are). i looked in the fish index on them. at my petstore they are kind of black with spots, im not sure what kind they are. i would like to get a female and a male bnose and maybe they would breed. this tank would be a planted tank. my water hardness is around 12-11 any breeding suggestions, or care suggestions would be helpful. thanks.
I have had 3 succesful spawns of bnose.

Once they do it the first time, they will do it every month just about.
I suggest a male and female of similar size, mine are both round 2.5".
My male has always had the same nest, which is a peice of wood with a nice hole that he fits into and which and only one entrance.
I wouldnt suggest any other fish in the tank. And knowing any cichlids the fry wont last long.

You need alot of wood in the tank, so the male can find a spawning area of his choice. Once he has found it you can take the other bits of wood out (i did) if u want. The fry are not hard to keep at all. I would suggest leaving them in with the mum and dad, they will not eat their spawn, and feed them the same diet as you would the parents. The Male guards the eggs for around 4 days (the eggs are yellow, if clear they are not fertile). They will then hatch with a egg sac which they will consume in about 4 days. Then they will most proberbly be free swimming, altho my male tends to keep them in abit longer for some reason. I usually get around 40 - 50 eggs. I have lost some fry from trial and error but have lost none this spawn. Well if there is anything else you would like to know, Pm me i will be glad to offer you my assistance.

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