Is a 30 Gallon big enough for 18 TigerBarbs

I'd say that preferably not. They do grow over 3" each and well, 30gal. ain't much when it comes down to these duracell "bunnies" :rolleyes:
But I suppose that if there isn't too much other fish and you've got no choice, the tigerbarbs could fit. Barely, though.
stocking levels are interdependant on the ammount of bio-load produced by each fish and how much filtration the tank has.

So depending on the size of the filter(s) running on the 30 gal, I'd say yes, but only just.
They just cause to much trouble in my 75 gallon. with 18 they cause a frenzy when eating and some fish dont come up to eat.
It is possible but like everyone has said, only just provided you have good filtration and maintain the tank regularly.
My main concern is that the tiger barbs won't like being moved from a large tank with plenty of swimming space to a smaller, crowded environment.
I thought about that but i would hate to break up the group, its a 30 gallon long i believe and for filtration i will prolly have a what ever filtration comes with it plus a ac 500 or a rena xp2.

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