Is a 2 Gallon Eclipse ok for a betta?

yea he should do fine in there. just make sure to get a small filter and small heater (canada can get cold, but i don't have to tell you that! :D ).

also even if it is 2 gallon, doing a fishless cycle could help. i did it on my 5 gallon and more than a month has gone by and all the fish (even ottos which i hear die quickly) are all very alive and well. it is very worth the time it takes.
yeah, it gets cold here, but luckily i live in the most southern point in canada. more southern than quite a bit of the usa actually. but good advice. the ecliipse does come with the heater and filter, so ill be all set. any advice on what substrate to get? i was thinking marbles because they look cool, but i keep changing my mind back and forth. any advice? and are fake plants ok?
i dont know... Since bettas like to sleep on the bottom or the top, one or the other it depends on where it sleeps
Go sand if i sleeps on the top. Go gravel if it sleeps on the bottom. You can get creative with gravel. Like get the polished river rock. That will make the tank seem really bright and you will know when it's dirty.
i like real plants MUCH better. they look very nice and if you get java fern, they grow very easily, no plant food or anything required. just keep the flourescent bulb on for at least 8 hours per day and it'll grow very nicely.
also, plants help fishless cycling very much plus they grow algea and you could get 2 ottos for the tank. they'll be active, swim around, eat the algea off the plants and glass and the betta has no problem with them.

as for substrate, i have blue gravel and its great, i added 3 beach rocks i found too for decoration.

marbles i think are too hard to clean, the suction from a syphon won't be able to lift them and dirt will still be stuck. thats why i think smaller gravel is better, but its your call.

also, don't get undergravel filter, they are bad from what i hear. the flow, hanging type is much better. i have a small one for the 5 gallon and water is always crystal clear.
thats what i was thinking about the marbles too, too hard to clean...

i dunno about live plants, they seem too hard to take care of. i know the java fern, all you need is like a rock or log to stick it onto, but i dont know about the other plants....i dunno, ill think about it.

yeah, the filter that comes with the tank is a little biowheel with very little current, perfect for bettas.

and i dont think i could fit 2 ottos in could i....they get to big for the tank wouldnt they? wouldnt the tank be overcrowded, and dont ottos like to swim in schools?
ottos like to be at least 2. but only grow up to 2" i think. so it should be ok...but its better not to risk it.
Eclipse tanks are great for bedrooms! They're so quiet! I speak from experience... I have Eclipse 6 tank in my room! and yes, a betta would be real happy in there!
As far as the plant issue, live or fake is fine, but if you go fake get silk and not plastic. The plastic plants can rip their fins ;)
i got it today. its cool, with clear red glass stones on the bottom, it looks awesome. also, i did get fake plastic plants, before i heard what you guys said about them. hopefully it'll be ok. it just got filled up and ready today, its now cycling!

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