Is 76*f Ideal For A Male Betta & 2 Guppies?


Fish Addict
Sep 17, 2009
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Ontario, Canada (If you want to know my city you'r
All righty! I'm on a trip away from home but this just came up to me so I logged onto the hotel's (insecure, probably :p I hope they don't want Facebook passwords!! :oops: Whoops probably jinxed myself XD) Internet, and asked. :3 My brand new 10-gallon is currently cycling with two high-strung :p pearl danios, and it has 1/4 of filter media from my OTHER 10-gallon. Now.... I'm planning to have 1 male halfmoon Betta, and 2 guppies (a pair). :D The reason I'm getting a male Betta is because he can eat any fry that are produced, and, well.... I found an AMAZING fish at Big Al's. :oops: Unfortunately, they're just under $15CDN.... Probs that with tax.... :p

Is 76*F an ideal temp for these fish? With my new (may I add AWESOME :3) Rena heater I can set the temps with a handy dial thingy, so I put it to 76*F. Is this good, or should it be higher? Somebody mentioned 27*Celsius but tbh I have no idea how to convert it. :oops:

Just checked the calculator.... 76*F is 24*C. 27*C is 81*F.... But this is kind of hot for guppies (I think :blink: ), correct? In that case, will 76 work?

Sorry for asking so many questions! :oops: I'm just kind of paranoid.... I'm 5 hours away from home and have absolutely NO idea how things are faring.... :lol: Luckily, I get back on Wednesday.... ^_^
I wouldn't keep both these at 27 degrees thats too warm for them in my opinion. I keep guppies at 24 degrees comfortably. You will probably find the betta appreciates this more too from what i have read.
I wouldn't keep both these at 27 degrees thats too warm for them in my opinion. I keep guppies at 24 degrees comfortably. You will probably find the betta appreciates this more too from what i have read.
I wouldn't keep both these at 27 degrees thats too warm for them in my opinion. I keep guppies at 24 degrees comfortably. You will probably find the betta appreciates this more too from what i have read.
Bettas prefer warm water, like 80-82, but I think they would be fine in 76. Maybe try keeping it more like 77/78 as a compromise.
both should be fine at/around 76.
but just a caution- if you are planning on the betta for fry control, make sure you have some sort of other plan. while he may get one or two of the weaker fry, he will not spend all day chasing and hunting them to eat them like you might think. soon you will have loads of fry and adults. bettas are not good at "fry catching" (most will be much too fast for him, even when brand new, and will learn that he means to eat them, and will avoid him). after a week or 2, they are too big for him to eat anyway, so the fast/smart ones will definately survive (speaking from experience here)... just so you know, and can think about what you will do with all the resulting guppies.
Bettas like it warmer - around 80 F. Make a compromise if you insist in keeping guppies with a betta.

Two words of warning -

1) Bettas are notoriously aggressive towards guppies. Is it worth risking an animal's life to try it?

2) If you don't want babies, don't get a breeding pair. Stick with male guppies. Even better, get endler's livebearers, or something. Kinda like guppies but don't have the fancy tails that bettas will attack.
:p Nice. But I've had Bettas who've lived happily with guppies, and lots of people I know keep 'em together -- I feel this will be fine. ^_^ And, yeah; I kind of thought about that.... XD Well, anyways, I have my heart set on my stocking, and I don't really wanna change it (because I've thought about it for HOURS, and I'm pretty excited :D ); but, thanks for the temperature info! ^_^ Well, perhaps 78*F, then?
I have also kept bettas with guppies with no problems but as Loraxchick suggested, it pays to have another plan for population control. It is also a good idea to have an alternate plan if the specific betta is much more aggressive than usual and actually bothers the guppies. It is best to keep a betta at about 78F anyway, unless you are trying to breed him, so temperature should not be a problem.
I agree with 78 F. as a minimum temperature. Lower than that they tend to get sluggish.

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