Is 7 Gallon Suitable?


Fish Herder
Jan 20, 2007
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hi - could i make a 7 gallon tank into a nano tank?

i would only put invertibrates in it

Yep no reason why not. Have a look through the pinned topics :good: Also check if it's had any copper based meds in it if it's second hand as copper is lethal to inverts :good:
You can...just remember the smaller the tank the more 'unstable it is'. 7G's is do-able...I wouldn't consider it a 'starter' . I would never deter someone from wanting to do a small tank tho'. I would HIGHLY recommend tho' that you don't just wade into it. I would read and PLAN THIS CAREFULLY. Know how you will maintain temperature control since 7G's is very susceptible to ambient temperature. Good luck. SH
You can...just remember the smaller the tank the more 'unstable it is'. 7G's is do-able...I wouldn't consider it a 'starter' . I would never deter someone from wanting to do a small tank tho'. I would HIGHLY recommend tho' that you don't just wade into it. I would read and PLAN THIS CAREFULLY. Know how you will maintain temperature control since 7G's is very susceptible to ambient temperature. Good luck. SH

I agree. You need to know what you're doing with it..but anything (within sensible reason) is possible if you do your research and have the time and patience to do it properly :good: Just don't expect a smaller tank to be cheaper or easier :no: If anything it will end up costing you more and being alot more work than a bigger tank.
my tanks 8 gallons and i have 2 clowns in there

and according to the link in your sig a formia starfish...

I assume you've been told what a bad idea having all that in a 8G is :crazy:

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