Is 65 Litres Ok For 2 Percula Clown Fish?


Fish Aficionado
Aug 20, 2009
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land of the scots!
Hi, i was just thinking, after finishing my tropical setup, i might go into marine. I've just been reading up and Marine sounds very interesting! This obviously won't be until probarbly middle of next year or something, but just thinking ahead!

So, Is 65 litres ok for 2 Percula Clown Fish? Or maybe, am i might aswell as to getting a bigger tank than this? :huh: :unsure:

If i did get a 65 litre, is there any other fish that could be kept in there.

Or, whats your opinions on the best size tank for a new Reefer? :D
id go a little bigger if you can, being a noobie to the saltie side, you will find that a ngger volume of water is less work and thhere is more margin ofr error. In the long run having a larger stable system will probably cost you less than running a smaller volume of water on the edge

i would go for around 30 gallons and sumo it aswel if possible, you wont regret it
just have the rock and fish no corals or a lr in a sump and just the fish in the tank
just have the rock and fish no corals or a lr in a sump and just the fish in the tank

nope a FO is usually run by a hang on or canister filter w/no lr. Otherwise it'd be a fowlr.

basic equipment is still the same. Heater, powerhead to prevent stagnant water, lighting to please the eye, not for corals. Don't need to have a skimmer, but some incorporate one anyway.
Yeah most poeple think fish only means just fish and sand on display for some reason. Fish only just means Non-live rocks for decor, and then your basic aquarium stuff, like filters, heaters etc

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