Is 2X 11Watt Good For Plant Growth In 60L?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 19, 2012
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Hi all

The title says it all? Will I get good plant growth in a 60L tank with two 11 watt globes? Or will I see alot of stunted growth. Problem is I have the Dennerle Nano tank 60l and the globes only go up to 11 watts. What else could I go for if thats not enough??

Hope to hear from someone soon :)
it deosnt sound like enough light for plants except java moss, java fern etc.

Ok cool....Its just so confusing! Everybody has different takes on different for example the popular guy on youtube 'Dustinsfishtanks's'. He says you need lighting but everybody always wants the most light and the most watts but its all to do with soil and nutrients in the soils that make up most of what makes your plants grow. He doesnt even use CO2. This hobby is very confusing cause it seems everyone just does their own thing. Theres no right and wrong...

I guess it depends on the plants you have, like you said - moss will do well.
IMHO your light is not to bad.try this plant list.
have a look at the plants on there, your lighting is low to medium (60L=15Gal ish) 22 watts over it=1.4ish WPG
You probably won't need Co2 & minimal (if at all ) extra ferts.Depends on what/how many fish.
Anubias & java fern are the obvious examples, as well as Crypts, and there are lots of different types of them.Amazon swords too.
They will just grow more slowly.
it deosnt sound like enough light for plants except java moss, java fern etc.

Ok cool....Its just so confusing! Everybody has different takes on different for example the popular guy on youtube 'Dustinsfishtanks's'. He says you need lighting but everybody always wants the most light and the most watts but its all to do with soil and nutrients in the soils that make up most of what makes your plants grow. He doesnt even use CO2. This hobby is very confusing cause it seems everyone just does their own thing. Theres no right and wrong...

I guess it depends on the plants you have, like you said - moss will do well.

Excellent! Thanks very much for your info ;)
IMHO your light is not to bad.try this plant list.
have a look at the plants on there, your lighting is low to medium (60L=15Gal ish) 22 watts over it=1.4ish WPG
You probably won't need Co2 & minimal (if at all ) extra ferts.Depends on what/how many fish.
Anubias & java fern are the obvious examples, as well as Crypts, and there are lots of different types of them.Amazon swords too.
They will just grow more slowly.

So now I have bought another 11watt dennerle lamp so all up I have 33watts for a 60l tank :lol:
That should be enough to grow stuff wouldnt it? But now I will need to imput more co2! I have the Fluval mini co2 kit that I fill twice a day and I have Easylife carbo that I dose daily amongst Easylife Ferro, Profito, Nitro, Kalium and Fosfo. :)
i would say yor original lighting would of sufficed for most plants and with the extra bulb it will especially be fine. lighting isnt the main issue with plants, i would just make sure you have a decent amount of nutrients in the water and a half decent substrate and for most plants you will be fine. if one plant doesnt work you can always try another one
i would say yor original lighting would of sufficed for most plants and with the extra bulb it will especially be fine. lighting isnt the main issue with plants, i would just make sure you have a decent amount of nutrients in the water and a half decent substrate and for most plants you will be fine. if one plant doesnt work you can always try another one

Yeah, I think its just being impatient. I have only had the tank up and running for 6 days lol. So really I havent even waited long enough to even KNOW that I dont have sufficient light. Its just I was reading everywhere to follow the watts per gallon rule of 2-5 watts per gallon. I fell under the recommended for my tank and watts so I upped it to another light. Hopefully Im all set and my HC cub will grow :)
yeah im sure you will be fine. with plants i always find it just trial and error. im always more concerned about blinding my fish lol
Its just I was reading everywhere to follow the watts per gallon rule of 2-5 watts per gallon. I fell under the recommended for my tank and watts so I upped it to another light. Hopefully Im all set and my HC cub will grow :)

Blimey, where did you read that ?
Its just I was reading everywhere to follow the watts per gallon rule of 2-5 watts per gallon. I fell under the recommended for my tank and watts so I upped it to another light. Hopefully Im all set and my HC cub will grow :)

Blimey, where did you read that ?

LOL I read it everywhere! NOW i've come across this site and according to lumens I am STILL in the low range for growing plants! AH! I give up! Im never going to grow HC cuba! haha
Read - very interesting

Watts per gallon rule outdated!
honestly mate, im sure your lighting will be fine. its all to easy to nread to much into things. if you find your plants arent thriving enough just up your fert a bit. you may even find that you have algae issues and you have to reduce your photo period. imo the best way is start with minimul and work up as you need it. do you have any algae problems btw
honestly mate, im sure your lighting will be fine. its all to easy to nread to much into things. if you find your plants arent thriving enough just up your fert a bit. you may even find that you have algae issues and you have to reduce your photo period. imo the best way is start with minimul and work up as you need it. do you have any algae problems btw
Cool thanks for your thoughts :) I don't have any algae problems yet cause my tank is only a week old. I have a bit of brown, but that's just diatom bloom.

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