Irridescent Sharks


- l l a m a s -
Mar 22, 2006
Reaction score
British Columbia, Canada
The power was out here for 15 hours.. mostly the night time.. so all the tanks got quite cold.

The ID sharks really haven't been handling it well..

The day after the power outage, 1 of the 3 died.

It was about 6''

The 2 remaining are about 8'' and 5''.. both have white covering their eyes, and some bad fin rot.

I put the 2 of them in a 55g tank and added a bunch of pimafix. It's supposed to treat fin rot and fungus, among other things.

I added an extra filter, and an air pump to keep the circulation and aeration good.

I also added salt. Was that wise? I really don't know if they like salt...

Anyways, is there anything else I should be doing?
God that is bad news Vancouver you had what happend to me except my power was out for 2 hours and I believe more overnight...

Generally Catfish do not like Salt however Eel catfish can have salt (I think anyway) I believe the salt should be Ok for now but if it's always being added there will be negative effects. I would put in some MelaFix aswell is it fungal finrot or bacterial??
Well... another one died.

So I'm down to 1 now..

All I really know is the fin rot aint great.. the white on its eyes is starting to fade..

I think I'm going to stop medicating and just do 25% water changes everyday.. I don't know if the remaining one is really liking the pimafix.
Fins are pretty well healed..

but I'm quite sure it's now blind. It's eyes have a white cloudish coloring to them, and I can see red beneath the white cloudyness..

It's not white film on the eyes, this is the actual eyes turning white..

Disappointing.. but I'm glad it's still alive.
Now I'm going to have to find a tank for it to go into for awhile in which the fish in the tank wont kill it.

I know if I put it with the fish it was in with, they will kill it within 24 hours.

I guess it might end up chilling in a 33g by itself for awhile.. I hate power outages.

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