Iridescent Shark With White Spots


Fish Fanatic
Mar 26, 2012
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I have an iridescent shark in my 10gl tank I know they grow quite large I wasn't planing on keeping it in such a small tank for too long but it has begun to grow white spots all over it its still small about 2 inches. I wanted to post a picture of it but its too fast to get a steady shot of so I took a short video instead but I'm curious to know what is wrong with my fish can someone please help?
i posted the video on youtube, here is the link;
Most likely from stress of being kept in such a tiny tank!

Very active fish and need to be in groups not singles!
Tank is too small even for a juvi!
thanks so much! i went to my LPS and got some ICH cure put some in the tank and about 10 minutes after i did so he came out from hiding in the decorations and starting swimming around again like his old self.and a day or two all the white dots have vanished from his body and they dont seem to be anymore growing back, however i do now have another concern. all the spots are gone but he still isnt acting like himself, every once in a while he will go hide in a decoration and he wont come out for quite sometime. for instance today i got home from school at about 130 and he was hiding, it is now 630 and he is still hiding. also 130 is just the time i was able to notice he was hiding he might have been hiding for some time longer than that (which im sure he was, i doubt he just so happen to go into hiding the moment i arrived home)basically what im asking is do i have something to be concerned about or not? :S
Iridescent sharks often behave like that, as they are a very nervous, shoaling fish.

Do you have something to be concerned about? Well, keeping a migratory, shoaling fish that can grow to over three feet long in a ten gallon tank is definitely something to be concerned about, IMO.

Sorry to sound so harsh, but there's just no way that fish is ever going to be happy or healthy in your tank.
yea i know I'm looking into getting a bigger fish tank i just can't seem to find the right one for the right price i had one but didn't quite have the funds saved up for it and once i did it was gone if anybody could lead me to somewhere where i could find good prices on tanks and stands i would appreciate it a lot!
Keep looking on Ebay/Gumtree/Craiglist/whatever's most used in your area.

Of course, you're probably not going to be able to find the 12m/40' tank that the fish really needs if you wanted to keep it healthy for it's whole life.

Best of luck with it.

(Oh, and please, please, please do some research into what fish you're buying in the future?)
i had dome research on it i knew it was goimg to need a bigger tank i just thought i would have it by now but apparently i was wrong but thanks for all your hel;p im going to keep on my search for a tank
it's an eventual monster - the only place that can actually house these outside of the wild and at adult size is a public aquarium. You will never find a tank big enough I'm afraid.

Any chance it could go back to the fish shop?
im verydoubtful of that they have a strict return poilcy.

would these fish be able to survive in a pond by anychance? or a lake?
nope - it's a tropical fish. You should also never release non-native fish into local rivers/lakes.

I would personally go back to the shop and complain - they have sold you a fish that nobody is actually able to keep at home.
#40## my uncle has an extremely large koi pond which he used to have to huge catfish in but they died thought maybe i could give it to him.

either that or i figured id throw him into the local lake when he gets much to large maybe he couldve scared a few little kiddies! :hyper:

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