IPF question...


New Member
Nov 15, 2003
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London UK
hey there are you hardware people,

ive gotta question for you! :)

i currently have an internal power filter (interpet model- standard kinda thing, 2 side inlets at the bottom, outlet at the top)

inside is a blue foam pice which is in a U shape when looked at in birds eye view... and is held in that space by some struts attatched to the fliter body.

behind this foam pad, is empty space.. i was wondering if i could use this space to put more flter media, eg cermaic octagonal things that are meant to be the best source for bacteria to live in..

is this possible? would it be effective? or is the space there for a reason?

thanks for reading.. hope someone can help!

Josh :nod:
The space may just to allow water to flow up to the pump. you could try putting some more bio media in there but keep an eye on the flow, if it is reduced, then take it out. you could also try putting carbon or phosphate remover in there.

ste :)
thanks ste, thats helpful.. if the flow is reduced.. i could always turn up the regulator abit.. do you think that would be ok?

i may try putting some more media in as i have had abit of trouble keeping my levels down..

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