

Fish Fanatic
May 16, 2007
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Just seen a post which mentioned that Xenia 'melt' in improper iodene - some months ago mine 'melted' - does iodene HAVE to be supplemented or would water changes sort it over time? you see, I just bought another one yesterday and can't get a test kit for a week or so (going away).

I don't have a marine yet, but have been reading alot. It'd be best if you were using Reef salt instead of just marine salt as Reef contains more/better amounts of things you need. I'd say if you're keeping up on water changes and your tank isn't heavily stocked w/things that need generous amounts of minerals like this or calcium etc then you should be ok. I've read from other people on here that sometimes dosing some mineral can cause more problems. So unless you're experienced w/stuff like that, I'd say do water changes.
From my experience I would not test for iodine unless u really an advanced in this area.
Test kit can show u apx results and u can overdose your tank.
I used to use Reef Chrystals salt, very good from my opinion but does not have enough Magnesium and Ca,
I was successful with softies and polips, now I am getting some SPS and clams so I switched to Seachem Reef Salt.
Execelent I think one of the best, has Ca not need to add (470), a little to add Magnesium but just a little.

My Alklinity recently drop a little but I started to use this thing and its a mirracle, also I think drop was because of the amount of ROWA
not because of the salt.
"Iodine" is a tricky chemical to dose. It has 3 parts, Iodine, Iodene, and Iodate (I think those are the spellings ;)) and all 3 must be tested for if you're planning on dosing iodine. As mentioned, it shouldn't really be dosed unless the aquarist is really advanced and knows what he/she is doing as Overdosing Iodine can kill everything in your tank ;). 99% of the time, waterchanges will keep appropriate levels of iodine in your tank :)
It depends on what you have in your tank as well, if you only have softies in your tank, you can overdose with no problem. Ive heard of people squirting lugols at xenia and they just suck it right up. I doubt your xenia melted because of a lack of iodine though. Xenia usually melt because they are horrible shippers and a lot of it doesnt make it when you transfer it.

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