Inverts Not Sheding Correctly?


THE Triop Man XD
May 31, 2009
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Recently my inverts have been having trouble shedding....anyone know why? my poor triop for instance was only able to shed of half his skin! due to this there was a poo build up at his rear end and im pretty sure he is going to die soon :( this is the forth time aswell! so anyone got any idea why???
Many crustaceans need iodine added to the water [though whether Triops spp. do is questionable]. For crayfish especially, the use of marine aquarium iodine supplement at 50% the normal dose is very helpful and avoids deformities and failed moults.

Cheers, Neale
do you know of an online store i can buy it from? yes triops do need it, i read about it but its only recently started to happen to me so i might aswell get the stuff to try and prefent it, my poor triop is still alive but there is a mass of poo at the end of him :( poor guys going to die of constipation! i think i shall end it early soon though....

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