Invert Idea's


Fish Fanatic
Apr 9, 2007
Reaction score
Tamworth, Midlands, UK
Im more fascinated by inverts and corals than fish lately, and im looking for more stocking options for my invert only tank. At the moment i have:

1 x Blood Shrimp
1 x Mithrax Crab
1 x Blue Leg Hermit
1 x Red Leg Hermit
1 x Turbo Snail
2 x Trochus Snail
1 x Conch (Sand sifter)

I have a 10g Cube, with lots of caves and hiding places, anyone got any ideas for interesting stocking choices?
For a 10 gallon I would say:
3 Tronchus Snails
4 Nassarius Snails
4 Cerith Snails
4 Scarlet Hermits
1 Blood/Peppermint/Skunk Cleaner Shrimp.
I like emerald crabs, sally light food crabs, and brittle starfish also but do not know if any will have a problem in a 10 gal. My sally light foots are the most active and interesting of all my crabs.
If you plan on keeping a reef I wouldn't get a Sally Light Foot. They sometimes have a tendency of eating soft corals. I would say that 10 gallons is too small for an emerald crabs and tus if you put him in there he can cause some problems (territory).
I already have a Mithrax crab anyway, the tank is INVERT ONLY so i dont have the worry of him catching a fish, i dont intend on a sally lightfoot as there are already lots of corals in the tank, just looking for maybe another shrimp and thats it.

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