Fish Fanatic
Hello! My name is gilltyascharged, and I am a new member here on Tropical Fish Forums. I am from Iowa in the US, and I live in the Central TZ. I currently have three tanks: a 10gal long with a male crowntail, two ADFs, a cory catfish, and multiple mystery snails; a 5gal bowfront with a male veiltail and several snails (more mysteries!); and last, but not least, a 29gal bowfront overrun with algae and mystery snails. I live with my parents and younger brother, and have two dogs (an aussie/sheltie mix, 12, and an f1b aussiedoodle, 3) and three cats (Black Cat, 5, Delilah, 6, and Whiskey Ginger, 2). I take pride in my garden and crocheting, and would be happy to discuss either in a separate chat (not sure what the forum rules are quite yet, but going to keep my threads as fish related as possible to avoid problems).