New Member
I am new to the fish world. I owned one female betta over a decade ago. Had zero experience then and not much more now, but I'm working on it. For a midlife crisis birthday gift to myself I bought a 29 gallon tank, 4 female bettas, 2 corydora catfish, 2 Java ferns, and a handful of decorations.
I was mistaken on how much more I could learn and am trying to catch up. I may add some cherry shrimp one day or maybe 2 more corydoras. But I'm also satisfied with the fish I have. I hope to have all live plants eventually, but only if I can learn how to keep them alive.
I was mistaken on how much more I could learn and am trying to catch up. I may add some cherry shrimp one day or maybe 2 more corydoras. But I'm also satisfied with the fish I have. I hope to have all live plants eventually, but only if I can learn how to keep them alive.