Hello all, thanks for the welcome to the forum and site! I'm new to the world of tropical fish keeping and slowly becoming obsessed with visiting LFS! Have enjoyed reading posts on here to learn lots of useful info.
I have a 140l tank. Currently have 10 neons, 6 black eye tetras and now 5 rummynose ( bless the one that didn't make it!)
Also have a small bristlenose and golden gourami ( not sure on this one but very shy and hides most of the day ).
That's me! Will have lots of questions and look forward to learning lots from all of you.
I have a 140l tank. Currently have 10 neons, 6 black eye tetras and now 5 rummynose ( bless the one that didn't make it!)

That's me! Will have lots of questions and look forward to learning lots from all of you.