

New Member
Sep 29, 2021
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Hello all, thanks for the welcome to the forum and site! I'm new to the world of tropical fish keeping and slowly becoming obsessed with visiting LFS! Have enjoyed reading posts on here to learn lots of useful info.
I have a 140l tank. Currently have 10 neons, 6 black eye tetras and now 5 rummynose ( bless the one that didn't make it!) 🥺 Also have a small bristlenose and golden gourami ( not sure on this one but very shy and hides most of the day ).
That's me! Will have lots of questions and look forward to learning lots from all of you. 😀
Welcome to the forum! Hope you find it informative and fun. There are a lot of really knowledgeable people here that love to help so it is a great resource.

I know the obsession with going to the LFS. Me and My mrs used to go pretty much every weekend, just to have a look round and chat with the staff.

Definitely get some pictures up of your tank, we would love to see it. 140l is a nice size of tank. Not too big that it becomes super expensive to stock or a pain to fit in the house but not too small that it is super limiting on what you can do with it.
Hi and welcome to the forum.

Looks like you've made a good start already.
Look forwards to hearing more about and seeing more photos of your tank and set up (we're a nosey bunch btw!)

You have a nice setup in case you are stuck at home for a while, not sure if Brisbane is getting the same lockdown treatment as Melbourne etc.

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