Fish Crazy
My name is Porsha, I'm a stay at home mother. My two daughters are in kindergarten and first grade. My husband is an auto, home and life insurance agent. I posted recently about my 30gal, I was gifted last month and recommendations for substrate (waiting for hides and sand to arrive in mail) in the 30gallon are 9 Kuhli half banded loaches and a Male veil tail betta. Separated from those 10 fish, I also have another betta who is a male crown tail.
I've always admired the hobby of aquariums. I used to have two Oscar's in a 150gal and my dad and I set up his basement to house a community of Pacu years ago. I think one of the most interesting fish I've had was an ornate birchir. He had so much personality and appetite.
I am new to having loaches but I'm enjoying watching their night-time antics so far. In addition to fish we have almost 50 house plants, one cat, two bearded dragons and we also raise colonies of dubia cockroaches. I'm really interested in having cichlids someday when I get the 150 going again.
Well, that's all I can think of right now. I look forward to learning and growing as an enthusiast, thanks for the welcome!?
I've always admired the hobby of aquariums. I used to have two Oscar's in a 150gal and my dad and I set up his basement to house a community of Pacu years ago. I think one of the most interesting fish I've had was an ornate birchir. He had so much personality and appetite.
I am new to having loaches but I'm enjoying watching their night-time antics so far. In addition to fish we have almost 50 house plants, one cat, two bearded dragons and we also raise colonies of dubia cockroaches. I'm really interested in having cichlids someday when I get the 150 going again.
Well, that's all I can think of right now. I look forward to learning and growing as an enthusiast, thanks for the welcome!?