Thought I would post my aquarium first ever one so did heaps of research. Settled on a walstad style tank with as many plants as I could do. Stocking is 4 pearl gouramis, 6 leopard cories, 14 whitecloud minnows, 1 bristlenose and 3 peacock gudgeons. Its now just over 6 months old and Im really happy with its success, only lost 1 white cloud minnow at the start. Plants tend to do well with little to no effort and have had no sickness. Everyone shows breeding behaviours but never have babies as I think the tank is a bit too busy and they dont survive. Best thing I did for my fishes health was go down to only feeding once every 2 days or so, the tank is alive enough now they are finding little bits of food without me and less feeding keeps water clean. I also never need to water change (but I do occasionally when I want less tannins) as nitrates never go over 5ppm. Very happy I found people like father fish to go down the complete ecosystem, deep substrate, heavily planted route as I have spent barely any money and everything is thriving.