Introducing, Poppy And Isolde,


Fish Fanatic
Aug 10, 2005
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Meet Poppy and Isolde. They are our office pets at a law firm where I work. They have a super deluxe three tier cage, a human who plans her lunch around what they might like to snack on (me lol!) and the run of an office desk and office so they get plenty of exercise.

They can be found on any of our 4 desks during non-client times. They love it.





They were about 6 weeks old when we got them, so they are about 5 months old now. They are so stinkin cute it's not funny.

They both love spaghetti, fresh fruit and yogurt. They also like to thief as many things from around you as possible. Grab TFizz's favorite pen is a favorite game of theirs. They keep us all laughing and are a great stress relief.
That picture of Poppy in that hideaway thing is so cute. :D
rats are so cute!
i dont think i'd convince my boss to have office rats, we have enough trouble with the not so nice ones!
Fantastic piccies, thanks for sharing...we used to have rats and I loved them so much. But I used to get real upset when they died! :no:
A law firm with rats? something about this appeals to me.

Nice rats.

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