Introducing New Fish


New Member
Jun 25, 2006
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I've heard varying opinions about introducing new fish to a tank. Some people say float the bag for 15 minutes then let some of your tank water in the bag, let it float for another 10-15 minutes and let the fish go.

A guy at this local fish shop told me that this was the wrong way to do it. The correct method was some type of drip method where I put the fish in a bowl floating in the tank and then take some water from the tank and let it slowly drip into the bowl until the ph ranges are identical.

Can anyone tell me which is the correct way? Thanks!!!
i do the 15/15minute bag method all of my fish have survived

some people quarantine new fish in a seperate tank for a few weeks first, this is advisable but not necicary, just means you can have a good check the fish is disease free so it doesnt go and wipe out all your established fish
The drip method is particularly useful for very sensitive fish- like wildcaught rare plecs- or incases where you suspect that your ph is very different from that of the shop. In other cases, with ordinary reasonably hardy fish, and where your ph is pretty much the same as the shop, the bag method should suffice.

So far I've always used the bag method- though I add water 3 or 4 times over a 30 minute period- and been fine with that, but I may eventually be ordering some less hardy fish from Cornwall, which has quite different water from us, so then I thought I had better try the drip method.

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