Introducing myeslf and my fish


New Member
Jul 16, 2004
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Hi all,

I've only just come across this forum, its great. Just thought i would introdce myself and tell you a little bit about my fish.

I have had my tank set up for just over a year now.

I have some lovely fish,

1 Gibbicep Pleco :wub:
2 Blackfin Cory's
2 Albino Cory's
1 Bumblebee Catfish
2 Guppy's
8 Neon's

Whats everyone else got?

Emz x
I've only been keeping fishes for about 1 month (so total newbie)

I have the fish that are listed in my signature
:hi: to the forum!

I have a 55 gallon with the following fish:
1 convict cichlid
3 bala sharks
2 skunk coreys
2 platys
3 clown loaches
1 red eye tetra

30 gallon:
5 mbuna cichlids in signature

20 gallon: 2 fancy tail goldfish

and two betta tanks.
Welcome to the forum, My knowledge has improved alot since i joined this forum and im sure it will do the same for you guys. :hi:

9 Clown loaches
1 Royal pleco
2 Bala sharks
1 Red tail black shark
1 Texas cichlid
1 common pleco
5 Bristlenose pleco's


4 Albino tiger barbs
2 Corydorus
3 giant danio's
1 Chocolate pleco
2 Kuli loaches


4 p. Socolofi african cichlids
i have the following

tank 1)

46.somthin uk gal tank
1 bristle nose catfish
2 angels
1 clown loach (in other friends died so im replacing them soon)
3 hoplo catfish (all well over 3-4 inches)
1 albino rainbow shark
5 flame tetras
5 neon tetras
2 scissortail rasboras

and i think thats all..

15.6 gal

1 male fighter
1 bloodfin tetra (freinds to a liking to the inside of the filter eww)
4 glowlight tetras
1 large golden apple snail
4 penguin tetras
2 peppered corydoras
1 sae

tank 3
27.somthin uk gals

3 danios
I have 11 tanks of various sizes at the moment which really isnt enough :p so i`m working on plans to build a heated fish house to hold between 20 - 40 more tanks (havent quite decided how many exactly yet) :D

yup i`m addicted :*) but the fishes are soooooooooo cute :wub: i want them all :*)

fish i have at moment are in my sig :)

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