Introducing My Lovelies


New Member
Apr 21, 2012
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Hello there. I am a betta keeper and breeder. I would like to introduce you to my group.
At the moment I have a total of 8 in the house and am going to be doing a spawn in the next month or two (depending on when my plants arrive).

3.5 gallon heated and filtered tank:
This is where my daughter's male Combtail lives. His name is Hannibal. He is a pet only, not a breeder. Done in a lovely blue with black head and red on his fins. He had fin rot when we bought him. Not long ago, he lost his dorsal and tore at his tail. The dorsal has now regrown far healthier than it was before. We've had him since January 2012.

10 gallon divided heated and filtered tank:
This is home to my 3 dragon HM boys.
Leonidas is a black dragon. Looks as though someone dipped him in chrome. His tail shines black and purple in the right light. Builds big and thick bubble nests on a nearly daily basis.
Egil is a red dragon. Looks similar to Leonidas though he has red on his fins. Absolutely gorgeous when he flares.
Odin is a black dragon that looks nearly identical to Leonidas. Odin, however, has no "racing stripe". His dragon scaling is complete. The dragon scaling has partially covered his eyes, however, impairing his sight slightly. I have had to change his food to a bigger and brighter pellet, but other than that he is happy and healthy.

10 gallon heated and filtered sorority tank:
This is home to my 3 dragon HM girls.
Freydis is a black dragon. Queen of my sorority tank. She's eggy right now.
Lolth is a copper marble dragon. She likes to lurk in the barrel decoration they have. She used to be queen of the tank until her sister caught up in size.
Eva is a black marble dragon. When I bought her she was a black dragon but she recently started to marble. She has excellent form though she is smaller than the other two.

My newest purchase:
I thought I was buying a new female to add to my girls. This seems to not be the case though. I've been told by two breeders that what I thought was a female is a male dragon PK. As my HMs carry the PK gene (fathered by an OHMPK), I'm not really against the fact that he's male. Had wished for a new girl, but it seems that wasn't meant to be.
Here's a picture of my new guy. He's white, blue, and purple.
He's cute. Would love to see pics of them all :)
Of course!

This one is my Eva. She's a cutie and a character. Zips about and gets air like a dolphin, skipping along the surface grabbing 2-3 breaths.


This is Egil. He tore his fins getting past a divider. So he's in the process of healing/regrowing.


Sorry for the poor quality. This pics were taken with a cell phone. I'm going to be getting a new camera this coming week.

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