Introducing Madonna


Fish Addict
Jun 4, 2005
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Yesterday when I bought my dalmation molly ,Jackie, I saw the bettas they had. They didnt have anymore male just 6 females. There was 2 blue, 1 brown, 1 multi-colored, 1 red, and a whitish-yellowish girl with very very dark blue eyes. I got the whitish-yellowish girl. She was stunning. So I bought her and here she is Presenting Madonna


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The pictures didnt come out that well


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Heres Yasmin her new tankmate. I never thought Yasmin would be nice to another fish :D


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:lol: Love the name, is she a little madam, hope she lives up to the name.
What kind of fish is Yasmin? If you have a female betta and one other fish in a 1 gallon tank I hate to say it, but you might want to consider separating them - they will fight. :/
i'm trying to examine the type of fish her tank mate is anther female betta. how do i know that? we was talking about his four bettas some where... i'll try to search for it.
Oooh - up in the signature it says betta.

I hate to say it, but I do think they'll fight.
It's kind of inevitable because there always needs to be a dominant female and the other one will be picked on mercilessly.
Dont worry Bettamomma they spent the night in the one gallon and even though Yasmin is aggresive there fine. And Im going to put them in a bigger tank later.
I have to agree with bettamomma. They are YOUR fish, you CAN do whatever you like, but we are just trying to save you from dissappointment. I can tell you care about your fish, they'll be MUCH better off separated.
Look Yasmin is a very aggressive fish she has been lonely and sad her whole life. She didnt like any of the other female bettas that I tryed to let her life with. Now he has found a fish that she likes. She is Happy and I want to keep her that way.
Well, as I said before, they are your fish. Just watch them really close.
Yep, just keep a close eye on them.
Make sure that if the other fish is getting tired or clampy you separate them because that's what generally happens.

Good luck with them though!
She is nice looking!
BTW, in dogs it is spelled DalmatiAn, is it really with an o in fish???
That is perfectly ok. ;) lots of people don't because some people are carless enough to print it with an o on the signs at the lfs! You think you would know what you were spelling before you printed it on the label! :rolleyes:

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