Introducing live plants MINUS snails


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Jun 5, 2022
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Hi oh wise ones, can you please help how I introduce live plants without snails - easy & idiot guide instructions please 😃
Almost impossible. And teeny snails are hard to see and eggs are even harder when you have to inspect every surface. The amount of bleach it would take to kill the eggs would kill the plants first.

I have only managed to eliminate all snails in a few tanks, These all held loaches. I did not get the loaches to eat snails, I got them because I wanted to keep them and have done so for almost 17-20 years with my clowns and sidthimunkis. The former are big and the latter small. One eats bigger snails and the other smaller ones. You can eliminate snails if there are none old enough to breed or if the offspring never grow up.

I did eliminate pest snails using assassin snails, but I now have way too many assassins. At least they look prettier than the pest ones.


This site night be helpful however, they are wrong about how fast assassins can reproduce. But you can sell them for a couple of dollars give or take.
Rinse new plants under tap water.
Check leaves for snails and snail eggs (clear jelly like clumps).
Put new plants in a quarantine tank for a month and see if anything appears.

You can soak new plants in a bucket of water containing copper for a couple of minutes, and any snails will let go of the plants and sink to the bottom. however, You will still need to check for eggs.

If you put plants in a copper solution, you need to rinse them well afterwards so no copper gets in the aquarium and kills shrimp or snails that you want in the tank.
I had a new tank set up recently. New substrate, new driftwood, new filter, only old tank. And all of them were dried for at least a week. A few day after i spotted a snail. A LIVE one.
How? There wasn't any plants.
Snails are evil creatures

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