Introducing Hannibal....

Mr Melt

Apr 18, 2011
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Allright lads;

I was just up at the LFS there buying some liquid c02 and a few more swordplants, when I noticed a rather interesting fighting fish out of the corner of my eye.

Needless to say I fell in love with this colorful #29### the moment I laid eyes on him; anyways of course I bought him and he is now in my big tank.

Heres Hannibal!

What do you reckon? I plan to add more photos when he comes out a bit more; he's taken to hiding himself in the swordplants =P
Looks good. Nice colouration. He should love all of that space!!
if he's in your rio 180 then i'd take him out as theres going to be trouble, Angels, Firemouths, Gouramis and a black moor? really not a good mix with bettas :/

He is lovely though, nice long anal and ventrals
if he's in your rio 180 then i'd take him out as theres going to be trouble, Angels, Firemouths, Gouramis and a black moor? really not a good mix with bettas :/

He is lovely though, nice long anal and ventrals
The firemouths are going out tomorrow; the Angels are very peaceful (despite their natural aggression) and the others mind their own business really.

Can only really see trouble coming from the Firemouths and the Red Breasted Acaras.
Wow, he is so beautiful, lovely long fins! :D

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