Introducing Fish? Jd W/ Brp


Mostly New Member
Jul 27, 2013
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I currently have a solitary 7 inch Jack Dempsey Cichlid in my 55 gal, I just put my 3 inch Parrot in with the Dempsey. Do you think this will work out? They've been together for 2 hours and no one has fought yet.
It takes longer than a few hours to see if fish will work together. They could be fine together for years and suddenly one snaps :/
I have no experience with either of these fish so can't really say. I do hope you plan on upgrading in the future though as they both get pretty big.
Sorry I wasn't of any help!
Ninjouzata said:
It takes longer than a few hours to see if fish will work together. They could be fine together for years and suddenly one snaps

I have no experience with either of these fish so can't really say. I do hope you plan on upgrading in the future though as they both get pretty big.
Sorry I wasn't of any help!
Yeah, you're right, fish can be quite unpredictable, they have their own personalities just like people. They've gone a day without any fighting or flaring. So far so good. And I plan on updating tanks when the Parrot is much larger. A 55 is suitable for the two at this time.
I hope they continue to do well together. I'd love to see a pic of your JD.
Glad to know that you'll upgrade in the future :)
I'll post one as soon as my new phone comes in the mail. I haven't been able to upload pictures via my laptop.
Intelligent fish are very unpredictable.  I have a JD and a Convict that hate each other. If it wasn't for the loaches they'd have killed each other by now. If it wasn't for the giant danios they'd have teamed up and killed the loaches by now. Occasional guppy victims keep them all guessing and from killing other tank mates. I have achieved a balance of sorts in keeping enough distractions so no one gets picked on-too much.
One of my friends kept a 3 inch parrot fish with 2, yes 2, 15 inch oscars. The parrot put them in their place. I wouldn't recommend it if you don't have a back-up plan, but I doubt you'll have much trouble.

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