Introducing... Cara, Scarlet, Sasha, Scrappy And Nyx!


Feb 1, 2009
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Couple people have asked to see a picture of the sorority tank I just set up, and pictures of my new bettas, so this thread is overdue...

The story so far: Cara and Scrappy are fighting for Alpha, Sasha is very timid and spends a lot of time playing in the plants when she thinks I'm not watching, otherwise, she'll hide in a terra cotta pot and watch me, Scarlet is very interested in exploring the confines of the tank, especially her reflection, though she doesn't show any signs of aggression against it. Scrappy earned her name after being the only betta to have her fins shredded because she refused to be at the bottom of the pecking order. She fought everyone in the tank, demonstrating her toughness. The girls are showing zero aggression to their tank mates, 3 peppered corydoras, 3 panda corydoras, and 2 otocinclus affinis. The corys have adopted Scarlet as an honorary member of their family and frequently "school" with her during their evening dance-activity. When Scrappy isn't fighting for Alpha, she can be found knocking snails off the glass and chasing them down to the sand (She doesn't harm them, its almost like she sees them as a toy).

The sorority is a 15 gallon (long), filtered with an Elite Hush 20. It is planted with:
-Cryptocoryne Lutea
-Amazon Sword
-Cryptocoryne Wendtii
-Hygrophila Polysperma
-Java Fern
-Corkscrew Vals

In the next week or so (once my assignments are all in), I plan to hit up another pet store and grab 3-4 more bettas to add to this sorority.

The Sorority:


Cara: (2 pictures)





The new boy.
Nyx resides in a divided 5 gallon with Chomp. Pictures do not do his colour justice. He is a gorgeous Black-bodied, red-finned betta, with silver accents on his fins and body. The 5 gallon tank is undergoing a rescape, hence the massive lack of plants, due to an outbreak of cyanobacteria that I've been fighting a losing battle with for months. I could do start from scratch and do daily water changes and STILL have that stuff. (Believe me, I've done it....) Nyx has some twisted rays that I'm hoping will straighten out over time. He's still very timid, but he blew me a massive bubble nest the first night he was in the tank, so he has to be happy on some level.

The 5 gallon currently has Cryptocoryne Wendtii, Cryptocoryne Lutea and Moss Balls.

lovely sorority tank and very nice girlies too, Nyx is a stunner! :good:

Thanks!. I found Nyx at the BACK of the shelf in a Petsmart. With colours like his, and how healthy he was, I was suprised he was still there.


The picture of Scrappy doesn't show it, but she's a red-blue colour, whereas Scarlet is a Red-GreenyTurquoise colour.
I wish Sasha wasn't so timid, she's got an adorable red and white marbled face...
Pictures can't do the stunning colours of Cara justice (actually; her colours had me questioning her gender... When she first went into the tank, all she did was flare.)

I'm planning a complete rescape of the tank in about a week when I add new girlies. Take everyone out, no territories, clean the tank up real good (those snails generate a lot of poo!) replant everything and rearrange, probably breaking up the cabomba into two groups, separating the Crypt. Lutea and Amazon Sword, and getting all my Crypt. Wendtii's replanted (my cory's like to dig them up).
sounds like you got it all planned out, my cories have uprooted some of my plants too :rolleyes:

tank will look great with the new girls in too :good:

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