Introducing Blossom

Oct 28, 2005
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Lincolnshire, United Kingdom
Hey Guys!

Been a little while since i've posted piccys of my gang on here. Some of you may or may not know that I run a Ferret Rescue in Lincolnshire, in the United Kingdom. Anyway, one of my house mates also works for the RSPCA. Cut a long story short we got a phone call one night asking if we could take an abdoned ferret in. We said yes and 3 hours later they turned up with this. A skunk! :hyper: It's been well looked-after so we put out a media appeal, appeared on local news channels and radio stations and eventually found an owner in Grimsby. Over the bank-holiday weekend they decieded they didn't want their skunk anymore and so we have taken full control of her. So I introduce to you... Blossom!

This is me and her!

thats a cute little skunk, correct me if imwrong but skunks dont live in england do they? any idea where it came from ?
thats a cute little skunk, correct me if imwrong but skunks dont live in england do they? any idea where it came from ?

She would have been smuggled into the country with her sisters/brothers. If you know where to look you can get them for about £400. Strangely enough, you don't need a license for them either. We've got a license for wild animals anyway, but because there are no wild versions in the UK you can keep them license free! :crazy:
wow i didn't know they were popular at all let alone being bred :)
:wub: She is gorgeous. How old did her previous owners reckon she is? Is she really tame? She looks very relaxed. More pics please, 1 is not enough.

yes! more pics please! she looks adorable!
are skunks similar in lifestyle to ferrets then?
i knew there were tons of people keeping them as pets in the US, didn't realise it had become such a big thing here!
I think skunks are fantastic animals
There is quite a lot of skunk owners in the UK now and a lot of them are breeding them.

That's crazy! :blink: They're mostly considered a pest around here and have a tendency to end up as road kill.

We get them around where I work at alot, I've always thought they were kind of cute the way they waddle around, but the smell. :sick: I imagine yours has had her scent gland removed.
Yeah she's had her scent glands removed.
Her previous owners say she is 3 years old, which is young considering they can live 21 years (compared to a ferrets 11).
Until last year they were part of the same family as ferrets, but now are part of the bear family I believe.
Temperment wise she is quite different to ferrets. Blossom is very shy and retracting but we believe this is because she was mis-treated in her last home. She has several behaviour problems.

Will get more pics ASAP
What a sweetheart, I love skunks!!! :D They are so cute.
I'd be interested in one as a pet if I didn't already have so many fuzzies around. There are now domestic-bred strains and they come in a few colours, including chocolate and solid white! Check out this pic of a baby spotted skunk I found while Googling :wub:

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