Introducing barbs to my tank


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May 21, 2005
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my own little world, which is currently in Norther
How should I begin introducing tiger barbs into my tank? Right now I have three tiger barbs in my quarentine tank that are going to be introduced into my main tank, which has five danios. How should I go about this? I don't want to overwhelm my filter either, since i just added two of the danios yesterday. Advice?
What are your water stats in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph, same temp and ph as main tank, if not you will have to climitise them again.
You shouldn't have that much of aporblem introduceing them...They aren't exactly a messy fish so the bio-load won't be that bad. Keep in mind that Tiger barbs are sensitive to Nitrate/Nitrite....Because of this Tigers really do require frequent partial water changes in order for them to thrive....So for the first couple weeks id keep a close eye on my water parameters and water changes as required.

Also...I imagine/hope you going to be adding more tigers to your group....When you do introduce new ones its best to add 2-3 at a time this way a single new fish isn't singled out and harassed and theres a better chance of them blending into the group. Good Luck.

How does this sound...I'll leave the barbs in the quarentine tank for one week, while watching the water stats in my main tank (making sure i dont go into a mini cycle). In the quarentine tank, i'll also check the water regularly. In a week, if there is no spike in the main tank, i'll add all three barbs at once.

To get the barbs used to the nitrates in the main tank, around day 5 i'll start adding about 2 cups of tank water per day to the quarentine tank.

As of yesterday, the pH was 7.2 in both tanks, ammonia - 0, nitrites - 0, and I need to get a test kit for nitrates.
If water stats are fine now i would add them, don't think it will cause a min cycle.
tttnjfttt said:
I have always been told to add fish slowly. Yesterday I added two danios, and I was under the impression that 3 tiger barbs would be overkill.
I wouldn't worry about it that much...If your tank was stable when you introduced the danio's then another 3 tigers won't be too overwhelming...As long as you keep a close eye for awhile and be ready to do some water changes if you notice spikes or see your Tigers hanging with their heads down. I always think of my Tigers as an early warning system for poor water conditions....


edit: What size tank do you have? Just curious ;)
20gal is kinda tight so i wouldn't have more than maybe 6-7 of them in there...Just make sure you have an open swimming space for them and some plants they can hide in if needed. Tigers ae the reason i got a bigger tank...They really do appreciate alot of swimming space (hint new tank hint :D ). I hope you enjoy them...When kept properly they are fantastic fish.

I would love a larger tank, but I really can't afford it, especially since I just bought this one two weeks ago, whihc is like four times the of my old one. I set the tank up wiht decorations mainly in the back corners, to give swimming room and hiding room. I've put a picture below, just easier for me to do. I was aiming for 6 barbs, enough for a school, but not too many since it tank is smaller:alien:


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