Introducing A New Caudopunctus Query


Fish Fanatic
Mar 6, 2011
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Hi, I lost a caudopunctus whilst been shipped and want to replace it as I was advised to keep them in 4's or 6's now I have 3. But I'm guessing they are near on impossible to sex, 2 seem to be sticking together but they do seem to scrap too. Also would I need to get a very similar size? would a larger one bully the others?
Well, I went to a small fish store near my mums that I knew stocked the Caudopunctus and bought 1. It's larger than the other 3 but seems o.k. One thing though, to my horror. The journey home is only 10 minutes so floated the bag when I got home and thought I'll just check the PH in the bag. It was lower than 7! With that I thought I'll check the nitrites and test was positive for nitrites. So I just netted him and put him in my tank. He settled in really well and fed that evening like he'd always been in there. He looks o.k pinky red gills and active so hope he'll be fine. Feel sorry for the others though.

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