Fish Fanatic
So recently I went to the pet store and decided to get some Neon Tetras (14). I did everything i'd normally do before placing them into the tank. In the tank I have 5 Zebra danios that are a bit bigger than the Tetras, so they chased them around a bit then stopped after about 15 minutes. The school of Neon tetras were hiding behind some plants, 10 minutes later they separated and went to different sides of the tank. As far as I know Neon tetras are middle swimmers... but mine are swimming at the bottom. The zebra danios (i'm pretty sure) are trying to look bigger and be "in charge" I guess you could say, and the tetras are scared of their behavior. I checked again 5 minutes ago and the danios are swimming in the middle normally not bothering the tetras, but the tetras are still hiding and aren't swimming that much, mostly staying in one spot. There is a group of 9 or so tetras that are swimming around the bottom level of the tank scavenging, but the rest are hiding behind plants and mainly swimming in the back.