Interpet T5 High Power Compact Lighting


New Member
Dec 26, 2004
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Anyone know anything about these lights? I'm thinking of using them on my new planted set-up, but I don't know if they're really suitable. The two options are "Triplus" and "Daylight Plus" lamps, although I have no idea about output, etc. as nowhere that sells them seems to list this info.


They're also available in the usual Beauty Light, Blue Moon and Daylight Blue options, which seems to be the norm for the Interpet ranges (although I don't see any of those three being suitable in this instance).

I will be providing 3w per gallon hopefully. Can anyone possibly shed any light (excuse the pun) on these lamps?
Daylight Plus are more suitable with a colour temp. of approx. 6500K. The Triplus are higher at approx. 8300K and are more suitable for marines IMO.
Thanks gf225. What would you recommend as an optimal colour temp.? Do you have any idea what the temperature of the "Beauty Light" is, and whether or not this would be at all beneficial in a planted tank?

(Been following your tank journal, beautiful set-up!) :)
I also been thinking of buying some of these. I wrote to Interpet asking if they had datasheets on each lamp, they replied acknowledging my letter but then I haven't heard anything since :(
Personally I would avoid the Beauty Lamps and stick to the Daylights. They are designed for tanks with no plants and limited photoperiods. Using them in a planted tank may encourage algae as the spectral ouptut isn't designed for higher plant photosynthesis.
Daylight Plus are more suitable with a colour temp. of approx. 6500K. The Triplus are higher at approx. 8300K and are more suitable for marines IMO.

oops. I'm using triplus light. 55 watts. is that why I have an algae problem? Plants are doing great though :) When I bought the light I couldn't find anything anywhere about how may Ks there are, what is K anyway? Kelvins? I had a look at the box now and there's nothing on there that says about 8300K. Where did you find this out?
Does anyone know the actual physical lengths of these ie. tubes + end caps? I need to be very specific in what I can buy due to a funny shaped hood and I can't find the lengths listed anywhere...
What wattage are you going to use, different sizes for different wattages although the endcaps are the same, i have the 55 watt version which i could measure later if houndour doesnt get back to you, i know definatly the 24 watt is a lot smaller, not sure about the 36 watt.

OK, I have the 55Watt 21 inch bulb.

When it's plugged into the thing it's 23inches (allowing for the wire to curve round). I would play it safe though and say you'd need room for 24 inches in length.


just to make sure
this is what I have...the 55W one. I would assume the holder thing is pretty much the same size for the other you'd be looking to add an extra 3 inches room on the tube length.
Interpet Triplus 24w T5 Power Compact Lamps 12ins.
Interpet Triplus 36w T5 Power Compact Lamps 16ins.
Interpet Triplus 55w T5 Power Compact Lamps 21ins.
A very thorough bit of research houndour :D

Yeah the endcaps are all the same, id say if its a real squeeze measure for the tube and fitting at 23 inches for the 55 watt.

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