INTERNAL parasite


Fish Herder
Aug 4, 2003
Reaction score
Springfield, Vermont
I beleive on of my platys has a internal parasite. shes not eating and is swimming verry slugishly, she also has a pinched stomouch and her tail is slightly bent (a sign of parasite) I was wondering if anyone could help me? and also sugjest a medication, because I have corys and I have no Idea how this will affect them in the tank.
Please help! :sad:
I have had good results with Discomed (if the fish is eating) and Maracyn-2 (if the fish is not eating)...I have also had success using these two meds together.
Semper fi. the water has no ammonia nitrite and 10ppms of nitrate (thats the good one for plants right?) the fish that are in with them are in my signeture. I have not added any chemicals to the tank ever and did a 50% water change last saterday, I have well water so I did not add stress coat or anything like that.

Puffer pack. will the treatment effect the corries or tetras in anyway? and if not, will it effect peggy negatively if she does not have a parasite. finaly, will a disenfectant like that cause all the benefitial bacteria liveing in my tank to die?

An update though, peggy is swimming around now, but still has clamped fins and is still swiming slugeshly. I put her in a breeder trap this morning and gave her a shrimp pellet. Thats gone now so I assume she ate it. I let her out of the breeder trap and she is hanging around the bottem of the tank.
I'll have to agree with Puffer on the Discomed. I've also seen some pretty awesome results with it, granted the fish is still eating. Could you maybe put her in a hospital tank for the time being until it get's sorted? Maracyn-2 would be a good bet if it's bacterial in nature. But, if it's protozoan, a med with Metronidazole would probably be the route I would take.
I went to my LFS last night but they didn't have any discomed so I bought some marasyn 2

The only other tank I have is a 10 gallon which is fishless cycling at the moment so I guessing she wont like to go in there :/ . do you think I could empty all of the water out and refill it so all of the ammonia gone, then put her in there and do daily water changes?
Now that I look at her harder, her eyes are slightly swolen. Marasyn 2 says it treats pop eyem which I'm assuming this is (it matches all of her other symptoms too).
the only thing that's holding me back is that I don't know if this is safe to use with corries or other . The packadge says safe for inverdibrates, does that mean corries too?
Please help.

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